Vegan Chocolate Cake - Organi Chiado


August 12, 2022

Vegan Wines: A Booming Market

The vegan philosophy of life excludes any product with components that imply animal exploitation, and wines are no exception. It was thinking of lovers of a good glass of red, rosé, or white that vegan wines were created, today a growing category. And not just vegans prefer to purchase this more environmentally friendly wine. There […]

July 8, 2022

Where to find the protein in vegan foods?

Where to find the protein in vegan foods? - vegan food.
Veganism is far from being considered a fashion trend or merely a vegan diet associated with wanting to lose weight. Adopting this way of life is related to respecting animals and biodiversity, saving lives, and keeping our food healthier. An important issue of this way of life is knowing where to find the protein of […]

July 8, 2022

The Benefits of Plant Milk

The Benefits of Plant Milk - vegan diet
Cutting out dairy is, for many people, one of the hardest steps to take toward a vegan diet, but the truth is that replacing animal milk and dairy products with plant-based options means more benefits for one’s body and planet Earth.   Besides involving a huge expenditure of scarce natural resources, the exploitation of dairy […]

July 8, 2022

Veganism in different countries worldwide and the growing adoption of this lifestyle and diet

Veganism in different countries worldwide and the growing adoption of this lifestyle and diet - dieta vegan
“As long as human beings are ruthless with living creatures, they will never know health and peace. If men continue to slaughter animals, they will also remain killing each other. Indeed, he who sows murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.” said the Greek philosopher Pythagoras around 500 years before Christ.   As we can […]

May 17, 2022

Veganism during Pregnancy: Myths and Facts

Veganism during Pregnancy: Myths and Facts
When it comes to learning how to become vegan, one of the most delicate topics is parenthood. After all, it is a critical time in any mother’s and family’s lives, and all health care is in short supply. However, the good news is that pregnant women who follow a vegan diet do not face any […]

May 17, 2022

Vegan Beginners Shopping List

Lista de compras para veganos iniciantes
Veganism is more than a diet. It is a nonviolent life philosophy that opposes the exploitation of animals for food, clothing, cosmetics, and recreational purposes, among other things. If you’re considering switching to a vegan diet, consider that it’s not just about avoiding eating meat or fish. It also includes all animal elements like milk […]