Vegan Chocolate Cake - Organi Chiado


July 1, 2021

In a vegan diet, what replaces meat?

O que substitui a carne na dieta vegana? - Organi Chiado
One of the primary issues when switching to a vegan diet is food substitution without compromising a balanced nutritional intake. Meat is usually the food people are the most concerned about replacing due to its high level in protein, which is necessary for our bodies to function properly, strengthen muscular mass, and increase satiety. Although […]

June 29, 2021

What is a vegan diet?

O que é uma dieta vegan? - Organi Chiado
Nowadays, a vegan diet entails more than just a diverse selection of foods to consume during the day. Vegan food is growing more popular, and those who choose to change their diet also choose a different lifestyle than they did previously. It is vital to remember that following a vegan diet means adopting a more […]

April 29, 2021

The Benefits of Veganism

The Benefits of Veganism - Organi Chiado
The most precious benefit of being vegan is undeniably the impact on the planet and all beings on it who seek to live healthily and in harmony. However, we know that beyond this major principle, there are several benefits that those who want to know how to become vegan should keep in mind to support […]

April 21, 2021

What can’t a vegan eat?

What can't a vegan eat? - Organi Chiado
Actually, being vegan is not just about eating vegan or non-vegan food. It is an ethical commitment made by those who do not consume any kind of product with animal origin. To know how to become vegan you should be aware that there is much more to it than just going along with a vegan […]

February 20, 2021

Going Vegan: 5 changes that occur in your body

Going Vegan: 5 changes that occur in your body - Organi Chiado
How to be vegan in a healthy way When discussing the journey of how to become vegan, in addition to all the associated issues of ethics, lifestyle, activism and philosophy, the issue of health is always a factor in the argument. And if it isn’t, it should be. Because being vegan is also about living […]

February 15, 2021

Vegan Restaurants in Lisbon contribute to the most Veg-Friendly city in Portugal

Restaurantes Vegan em Lisboa - Organi Chiado
A green, appetizing and healthy list The Associação Vegetariana Portuguesa (AVP) has put together a top 10 list of the most vegan friendly places in our country. The AVP is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote “vegetarian food with a healthy lifestyle”, taking into account the well-being of the planet, animals and people. […]